
monday morning feng shui: using color to ground yourself

good morning to all.  as we embark on the holidays with more do and see, grounding yourself becomes even more important.  to stay present, in tune with your inner self, and remaining in a state of inner bliss.  the colors in the brown, yellows and gold spectrum used in your space; can do this for you.  they are earthy, representing the colors of earth literally in your environment.  think shades of brown, caramel, and golden hues.  there is an inherent association with the earth and somehow using these shades can bring about and internal solidity and grounding. 


having a wonderful sofa like this stunning mid-century one in the earth tones would definitely work!   for more practicality, adding a couple of throw pillows on your sofa, a vase in these tones or even a grouping of candles on your coffee table would suffice.  happy monday and happy ch'i, dana

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