monday morning feng shui: water

the best travel destinations
it's been an odd summer in michigan.  hot temperatures in june, rain in june, and now rain in july.  there is an abundance of water.  this can happen in your life too and be reflected in your home.  

in feng shui, water is represented by water of course but also in art featuring water, in dark colors like black, navy blue, burgundy and shades of ebony to chocolate brown.  too much, or too little of it can throw you and your life out of balance.  

to balance out an abundance of water; think of using pottery, terra cotta pots filled with green plants outside and inside your home.  use yellows and gold tones, and tan to the light brown spectrum.  flowers are great too for balancing this out.  

also, don't forget to take a look around your home, both inside and out for water pools, leaks or drippy faucets.  have a wonderful monday and beginning to the work week.  xoxo, dana


  1. Your image is GORGEOUS! With the eye of the hurricane landing right in Beaufort, we are needing a little green and terra cotta to balance the torrential rains we had. Hope you had a wonderful 4th, Dana!!

    1. thank you ladies! i am hoping that you all are safe and sound with this extreme weather. sending safe energy to you. dana

  2. Very interesting! It has been a watery summer and I find myself drawn to yellows lately... Love these posts, dana! xoxo

    1. hi carrie, you are spot on in being drawn to yellow lately! have a great week. xoxo, dana

  3. Hi Dana! I just want to say thank you so much for your posts! They get sent directly to my inbox and bring breaths of inspiration, balance, and beauty into my days.

    1. so good to hear from you Claire. thank you for the positive feedback and i am happy to hear that you enjoy my posts. take gentle care, dana
