
monday morning feng shui: what's lurking under your bed?

i am going back to the bedroom...again, for this post.  this space is one of the most important places in your house and is equally important in feng shui.  today, we take it one step further and examine underneath the bed. 

ask yourself, right now, what is underneath your bed?  are there boxes stuffed underneath?  do you keep shoes under there?  old clothing or sweaters  waiting to be worn?  old family photos and albums?  guess what?  all those things, and any clutter kept under the bed can cause a myriad of problems in your life.  clutter can cause headaches, mental fog, and inability to sleep, among many other issues.  think about it...clutter in your life causes problems.  now think of how magnified this clutter is under a space that you lay at for hours upon hours.  it takes it toll, swiftly and greatly.  happy monday and happy ch'i, dana

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